Year Level
Accounting in Practice
This session will not only cover the importance of understanding accounting but will also review various accounting concepts and principles. This includes application of key concepts of financial statements and its analysis and identification of various costs related to travel services. This will also provide deep understanding on important corporate tax concepts and the importance of ensuring compliance with various tax regulations that are all equally important in acquiring a job in the tourism industry.
3rd, 4th
Achieving Effective Sales Presentation
This session will tackle the basic sales process and the key elements needed in preparation for an effective sales presentation through various lectures and activities that will enhance their technical and soft skills as they start their career in the travel industry.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Applied Operations Management
This session will give you an overview on how the operations are applied in a Travel Management Company. This session will showcase the processes and methods used in running the operations and how it is related with each other.
3rd, 4th
Applied Travel Documentation
This session will revolve around both basic and advanced application of knowledge in identifying and processing essential documents required in travelling whether they are Filipinos, dual passport holders or international passport holders.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Appreciating Airline and Airport Operations
The session on Airline and Airport Operations will cover the major elements in the operations of an airline. It will include actual experiences going through the important divisions of the airline and their functions. The unusual topics on how the operations will run from behind the common and seen procedures will be taken and an equally important part of this session will provide significant insights on basic passenger handling in the airport. At the end of the session, you will get a better understanding of the role of airlines in the Tourism industry.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Client Contract Management
This session will cover the processes involved in finalizing and managing a contract from a travel supplier perspective. This session will highlight the various elements in a contract and the tasks done to effectively execute, renew or extend a contract. This session will promote and exercise basic management, analytical and communication skills of the Practicum Trainees in preparation to actual employment.
3rd, 4th
Corporate Travel: Supplier Negotiation
This session will cover a deeper understanding for supplier negotiation in Corporate Travel and what the TMC's role is in the actual negotiation. The importance of data in negotiations through practical exercise will be done. This will further promote and exercise the analytical skills of the OJTs in preparation to actual employment.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Data Privacy Handling in Travel
An overview of the Philippine Data Privacy Act and its application in the travel industry setting
3rd, 4th
Designing General Tourism Marketing
Tactical promotions and the actual marketing , distributions and gimmicks which are translated from the tourism strategies that have been developed for the product
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Developing Creative and Precise Tour Products (Advanced)
This session will review the terminologies, tour prices, tour discounts, and guides needed in developing tourism products. This also introduces various product brands and its unique selling points, criteria and the advantages and disadvantages of tour pricing strategies which are essential in developing a successful tourism product.
3rd, 4th
Developing Creative and Precise Tour Products (Basic)
This session will review the terminologies, tour prices, tour discounts, and guides needed in developing tourism products. This also introduces various product brands and its unique selling points, criteria and the advantages and disadvantages of tour pricing strategies which are essential in developing a successful tourism product.
1st, 2nd
Digital Marketing in Practice
Get insights of the emerging digital channels and understand the application of these different platforms effectively. Appreciation of the value of integrated digital campaigns and learn how to understand its analytics.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Embracing the Travel Industry: An Introduction
This session will define what the travel industry is and the services it offers to the public. This will show the requirements of setting up a travel agency and what teams may comprise to operate one. It will also show local and international travel associations and the advantages of joining one. This module will also discuss and define the travel market segmentations to understand their nature and how each is handled.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Empowered Research: Tourism Knowledge Center
This session will cover an in-depth review of research concepts, and will let the student experience applying these in analyzing tourism products, and conceptualizing policy briefs. Individual or group assignments, depending on the situation, will provide participants an opportunity to use research in addressing tourism opportunities and challenges. Each student will actively participate in the application of existing knowledge as well as new insights gained from this course.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Experiential MICE: Events & Exhibitions in Practice
In the world of Events and Exhibitions management, learn the essential knowledge you need to navigate between the dynamic steps of event activities – pre-event, actual event, and post-event. Get first-hand experiences from industry professionals.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Experiential MICE: Organizing Meetings & Conferences
This session aims to provide understanding of Meetings and Conferences (M&C) in MICE Tourism Industry by familiarizing participants in the core functions of planning, organizing, review and debriefing in developing M&C performance. These core functions are part of the creative process practiced in MICE Tourism industry and will take a different approach in managing M&C which sometimes overlooked. The use of analytical, critical and creative decision making tools will be promoted in handling M&C.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Guest Experience Delivery
The Guest Experience Delivery Session will discuss the factors on what makes a guest more loyal and engaged to your company aside from being satisfied. This will discuss how experience can be made and how this will impact your business.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Implementing Essential Corporate Travel and Program Management
This session will introduce the concept of Corporate/Business Travel as an integral part of the Travel Industry. We will cover not only the terms and definition commonly used in Corporate/Business Travel but also its uses and application to the various products and services being offered to the Corporate/Business Travel market. This will promote and exercise basic management, analytical and communication skills of the OJTs in preparation to actual employment
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Jargons Used in the Travel Industry
This session will review the travel industry’s jargon for terms especially those used in airline fares, tariffs for tours, hotels and cruise. There are terms that are common in meaning and there are terms, that though the same, may have a different meaning. This session will assess your understanding of the jargon that you may be hearing and will be using correctly once you are a part of the travel industry.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Moving Through Ethics & Protocols
This session will cover basic and prescribed protocols associated on private functions and public appearances.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Revenue Optimization and Cost Management
Optimize revenue and reduce costs are the two main targets of this session. The session aims to develop understanding on revenue opportunities and identify and reduce business expenses in order to attain good financial results of the tourism-related business operations.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
The Art of Negotiation
This session will discuss different negotiation styles to make the participants aware of the importance of familiarizing themselves with the techniques to facilitate and overcome various challenges during sales transactions. To enable them to think of the best possible tactics to elevate the sale to be firmed up and eventually win the clients over. Building their confidence together with their awareness of possibilities by anticipating the responses of clients way ahead and dispensing the correct negotiation style to manage the client's expectations.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Travel Brand Training: Club Med
With Club Med session, you will learn the art of all-inclusive vacations. Get a chance to discover more of Club Med and the wide range of its services and destinations. Understand the various and difference among the resort line up by getting to know the different activities that can be done in and out of each destination. Get in-depth knowledge of the unique selling points and maximize the advantages of having your client's dream vacation in one of the 80 resorts of Club Med. Through this session, you will get to learn the Club Med culture and acquire the skills of selling each property and the destination to the right market.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Travel Brand Training: Contiki
There is nowhere else to go this time but in this session - Contiki. This session will allow you to connect like-minded people by knowing why this unique travel brand have a specific market catered to only 18 to 35 years old. Learn in-depth product knowledge and understand the importance of Contiki branding, the different trip styles and why traveling sustainably is important. Develop your skills in the field of sales and marketing by understanding the product and be able to match it to your future clients in travel.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Travel Brand Training: IV/LG
The Art of Travelling in Style - join this session of Insight Vacations and learn in-depth product knowledge of this important travel brand. This premium escorted travel brand continues to create authentic experiences for over 40 years. Understand its unique selling points and hone your skills by going through the sales and marketing aspects of Insight Vacations.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Travel Brand Training: Norwegian Cruise Line
Welcome aboard Norwegian Cruise Line session. It is all about Free Style Cruising. Understanding why Norwegian Cruise Line has been the premier innovator in the cruise line industry for over 51 years. Get in-depth knowledge how to sell NCL products and services and familiarize yourselves to the different ships of NCL that will best fit the different types of market you are to face. Through this session, you will also be able to navigate the sales and marketing elements that are significant in fully understanding the cruise brand.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Uncovering your Potential in the Travel Industry
This session is designed to open participants’ hearts and minds to the wonder-filled world of tourism management and discover the many areas where one can readily unlock potential for personal growth and development.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Valuing Operations Management: People & Process
This session will give you an overview on how the operations are managed in a Travel Management Company. This session will discuss how people and process management are related with each other in running and managing operations. This session will give you the basic management fundamentals needed in running the Operations Team.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
Working on Various Content Platforms
This session will discuss the different content and booking platforms commonly used in a travel agency. The definition and benefits will be discussed. This will give the participant how each booking platform will be an advantage to the travel agent making them more efficient in their daily tasks.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th